Name: Christina Dodson
From: Ada, Oklahoma
Votes: 59
In the Drivers Seat
Driver’s education is essential for all citizens due to the way it educates drivers on what to expect on the road, how to respond in emergency situations, and the rules and regulations expected of them. Ensuring that all drivers receive more extensive driver’s education would not only reduce the number of accidents, but also the total amount of casualties resulting from those accidents. By implementing more thorough education, drivers can be taught how to avoid dangerous situations by using defensive driving techniques, paying attention to the conditions of the roadways, being weather aware, and knowing the mechanical capabilities of your vehicle. Due to the increased interest in sports cars and vigorous efforts to improve horsepower in personal vehicles, it has become a growing factor in the number of deaths associated with these advancements.
Many safe driving methods that can reduce not only accidents, but also deaths are often overlooked. A big one is to simply pay attention! There are so many distractions within arm’s reach while driving. Sometimes, no matter how tempting, we should just ignore the pings of our cell phones and keep our eyes on the road. Another example would be to obey traffic laws that are already implemented, speed limits are set for a reason. One of the most dangerous times is when drivers drink to excess or are under the influence of other dangerous substances. There are too many people who underestimate the effects that these substances have on their ability to drive. These laws have been put in place to protect drivers and pedestrians who commute through life, and we should all be aware of what they are.
I have lost many friends and family in car accidents, most of which could have been avoided. They were all so young and had entire lives ahead of them. One of them being a good friend and teammate right after our graduation. She was on her phone and wasn’t paying attention after visiting her father and was killed instantly by a semi-truck striking her car on her driver’s side door as she was pulling out of the driveway. Another one being my brother who had two young sons and a wife who was under the influence while driving and ended up in an accident that led to a traumatic brain injury. The kids were forced to grow up without their father to lead and provide for them. I also had a friend who was newly married that decided to drink after work and drove home incapacitated and did not make it home to his young wife. Lastly, an uncle who loved cool, early morning motorcycle rides through Talihina Drive on his way to work. However, he never saw a deer that ran out in front of him on his drive, and he always refused to wear a helmet. Some accidents are just that, accidents. In most cases, if you follow the rules and pay attention, you may catch something you would have otherwise missed.
There are many steps you can take to be a better or safer driver. You can even help others learn what mistakes can be made and how to avoid them. Our phones are the biggest distraction you can have while on the road, so it’s a good place to start working on your driver’s awareness. All manufacturers include safety features on our mobile devices specifically made for driving. Turn on hands-off mode or use voice-enabled features. You can download apps that sense when you are driving and will disable your device automatically. This would be a great feature especially for younger drivers, seeing that most phones and vehicles now connect to each other. You can always enable hands-free use. Some vehicles are equipped with voice commands built in as well. Take steps to connect your phone prior to departure, that way you can ensure you have access to all your music and can listen to messages and have the ability to speak through your car’s system, so you are less tempted to take your eyes off the road.
Our most important drivers are the ones who deserve the best education: our children. All schools should implement a driver’s education program that helps new drivers learn not only how to drive but also the rules and laws of the road. They should be educated in road signage, vehicle maintenance, and safety. Educators should be required to take students out to practice in all weather conditions. It is important to explain the difference between dry weather conditions versus driving in the rain or a wet, slick road. Educating the dangers of different kinds of roadways including; interstates, loose gravel, and dirt roads is important to decrease the number of accidents due to ignorance. All drivers, new and old, should be aware of the correct driving practices when it comes to these circumstances. The price of negligence is just too high to pay.