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2024 Driver Education Round 2 – More Than a Death

Name: Emily McCune
From: Alliance, NE
Votes: 0

More Than a Death

A life takes years to build, but seconds to take away. When a person grows up, it is natural to gather a circle of people who have their back. This circle cares and expands from a kindergartener who looks up to them to a grandma who lives vicariously through their stories. These people are there for support and to enjoy the good times.

Birthdays occur once a year, so while they are expected, some are grander occasions than others. For instance, a 15th birthday symbolizes getting behind the wheel with an adult in the passenger seat. However, the 16th birthday is one of the biggest birthday celebrations of all. The 16th birthday symbolizes freedom to get behind the wheel with no one in the passenger seat. It is a momentous occasion that every teenager looks up to. Nevertheless, to get that freedom a young driver must prove their ability to be on the open roads alone. Therefore, they count the hours, read the manuals, and plan safe routes. While the new driver is defensive, following the speed limit, and paying attention to the road, all it takes is one driver to be drunk, to be looking at a TikTok, or to doze off to wreck a young driver’s future. The young driver was ambitious, excited, and ready for a future ahead of them. Yet, since they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, their dreams, passions, and ideas are dead. A support circle is crumbled from the horrific news. Family members are heartbroken. Friends are angry at a stranger who took the sparkle from their friend’s eyes. It takes one decision to wreck a life. If the drunk driver didn’t turn the key, a friend could be here today. If the sleepy driver pulled over to rest, a family member could celebrate another birthday. If the driver put down their phone, a student could sit in class with their peers. However, there is no going back. It is up to the circle to make better decisions and work for a better future for the person that they lost. Driver’s education is the first step in bettering future drivers. If a license is withheld until the 16-year-old completely understands the laws and responsibilities that go along with a license, we would have safer roads. Too many young drivers get away with breaking the law early in their driving career, so they continue to take risks and break laws as they grow up. To prevent death later on the road, bad driving habits need to stop early on. When a student gets a good understanding of driving with a driver’s education, they become the safe, responsible, and polite drivers that keep other drivers alive. Whether someone is turning 16, 26, or 96, it is never too late to refresh on the steps to being a good driver. When they are in the proper shape to drive, use signals, and follow the speed limit, lives will be saved. Family members will be knocking on the door with a casserole, not officers with a death notice. Friends will be at class, not at a funeral. It takes every driver to keep the roads safe, but it only takes one to cause a town full of heartache. After seeing an entire class cry over the loss of a classmate, it reminds a person to slow down and pay attention. After booking a flight for an out-of-state friend to fly home, it reminds a person to stay sober. After driving by the wreckage of two cars that collided, it reminds a person that it could have been them. With proper education, driving laws are easy to follow. With a memorable learning experience, they are easy to remember. Therefore, driver’s education is the quickest route to keeping the roads safe for everyone to use.

A person’s life is meant to be lived, cherished, and experienced, and driving can be a memorable piece of that life. Safe driving starts with one person making the right decision. Good driving is taught. It is not accidental. When friends and family unite to take caution, follow the laws, and keep intoxicated drivers off the road, it will save another friend or family member’s life. The driving death rate is getting too high to not do something about it. A life is too precious to destroy because of ignorance or a bad decision. Therefore, it takes knowledge and courage to do the right thing every drive no matter how long or short.