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Round 3 – Drivers Education Saves Lives

Name: Samuel Peterson
From: The Villages, FL
Votes: 59

Drivers Education Saves Lives

Drivers Education Saves Lives

I remember the first time I was behind the wheel: it was exhilarating! Fast forward eleven months, and I still didn’t feel comfortable enough to get my driver’s license. I decided that the only way I would feel safe and ready to drive on my own was to take a driver’s education course. Completing a driver’s education course is one of the best things an individual can do to improve the safety and quality of their driving. Driver’s education taught me more than just how to parallel park or maneuver a three-point turn. It taught me the invaluable lesson of situational awareness. Being aware of your present situation is crucial to safe driving. Without it, auto accidents can quickly occur. Sadly, fatalities are a common occurrence on the road, especially among teens, who, according to the CDC, “are nearly three times more likely than drivers aged 20 and older to be in a fatal crash.” One easy way to fix this startling statistic is to take a driver’s education course and remember those lessons while on the road. As previously mentioned, these courses teach basic driving skills and the strategies and habits necessary to drive safely.

Another easy way to lessen fatalities is to turn down the music. Distracted driving is a significant reason why many crashes happen. Loud music prevents the driver from hearing emergency vehicle sirens, motorcycles, and other vehicles on the road. Simply turning down the music allows the driver to focus better on the road, which is, of course, the most important thing while driving. I learned this lesson first-hand after going to lunch with my dad recently. He was driving while trying to adjust the music and slowly started to drift off the road. Fortunately, he was able to realize what was happening before his inattention resulted in an accident. However, this close call made me realize the importance of not allowing myself to become distracted by the radio when I am driving.

Another thing drivers can do to help reduce traffic accidents and fatalities is to be courteous while behind the wheel. It is sad to say, but where I live, people often do not make merging into lanes easy for other drivers. Some of these people are even community members that I know. Many drivers often block others from merging into their lane rather than allowing them to move where needed safely. Uncourteous driving makes the overall situation for everyone much more dangerous, as now driver A is focused on preventing driver B from merging, rather than focusing on keeping everyone on the road safe.

To many people, the issue of fatalities on the motorway seems hopeless, yet it is not hopeless at all. Adhering to some elementary and practical steps will help drivers avoid auto accidents. These steps include completing a driver’s education course, turning down the music, and being courteous while driving. All of these steps are ways to combat the issues drivers face on the road today.