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Driver Education – The importance and benefits of Driver Ed.

Name: Carlos Ponce
From: Marshall, Texas
Votes: 0

The importance and benefits of Driver Ed.

Driving has become a daily and beneficial part of our lives. But although we drive everyday there’s also problems we can encounter that are life threatening.Teenagers within the age of 12-19 are the main victims of car wrecks according to the CDC. There’s a few factors contributing to this and it could range to inexperienced drivers or teenage drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Males teenagers have the highest death rate than females and it’s understandable the particular reason for this circumstance as a teenager you don’t think ahead of yourself which can cause you to make poor decisions and even life threatening ones. Peer pressure is another factor the particular reason for this circumstance is the driver is forced to go over the speed limit.Remember as the driver you are the one to give the orders no one can make you do something unless you give in. If your friends challenge you to go 100 mph you have the right to make the right decision or make the wrong decision which can be life threatening.

This is why driver education is very important; it teaches you to be responsible when driving the particular reason for this circumstance your poor choices could end someone’s life but overall it opens your eyes to how big of a responsibility is being a driver. Driver’s education has been reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving by emphasizing the importance of responsibility and avoiding poor choices. Building up both skills will benefit you in the future and when a moment arrives you won’t crack under pressure. According to a study by the AAA, Foundation revealed that teens who go through a structured Drivers Ed are safer on the road. This is the particular reason for this circumstance one of drivers’ focus is driver safety which is reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving.

There’s a variety of steps we can take to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. For example, knowing your responsibility as the driver, respect the speed limit, and when driving you as the driver is the one to make the decisions so think twice. Also before going on the road to make sure to go through one of your local drivers ed programs. This will benefit you greatly. The particular reason for this circumstance teaches you what to do and how to behave when on the road. Having knowledge of signs will help you avoid car accidents and keep you safe.

We can also take steps to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road. To improve our driving skills we can enroll in driver education programs to increase our knowledge of street signs and avoid accidents. Another step we can take is to always put our seatbelt on before driving the car and make sure and ask the passengers if they have put on their seatbelt. Simple things such as the seatbelt are the life savers and many people don’t take it seriously. We can also help others become safer on the road and remind them to not joke around when being the driver and the responsibility you have on you for being the driver.

Anyone can be irresponsible and make poor choices but the driver is the one to make the life threatening decisions.They can choose to be responsible and keep everyone safe or they could play with fate and make poor choices. For example, my mother is a very responsible driver and always before starting to drive as her family if they have their seatbelt on. If not she will wait patiently for the person to put the seatbelt on and then proceed to drive. She constantly reminds me that driving is not a joke, nothing to play around with because you could cause your life or others. This advice has always been highlighted in my mind, because I see my mom as my example and how she safely drives. In contrast, my dad is not as responsible as my mom, he tends to drive erratically at moments. He won’t wait for us to put on his seatbelt and half the time he doesnt have it on. They give the perfect example that you could be a calm responsible driver or you could be an irresponsible driver. As the driver you are in control therefore you make the choices that could change your life or someone else’s. Remember to be safe on the road and make the right choices.