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Driver Education Round 1 – Driving Is the Biggest Responsibility of Citizens

Name: Estrella
Votes: 0

Driving Is the Biggest Responsibility of Citizens

Driving has gotten us far as a society, from easy transport, quicker shipping, and the spread of information. One can’t deny the reliance we have on what transportation is nowadays due to large distances and there not being a reliable public transportation system. Though we’re facing a rising issue in the united states, there is a high mortality rate in relation to reckless driving. As the National Safety Council states that your odds of dying in a car crash are 1 in 107 (Sweeney Merrigan LLP). Your chance of dying comes into perspective when you consider the fact that were are over 228.2 million licensed drivers in 2020 in the united states (Carlier). It really isn’t a thought to many people that they may be next to join the statistics of those who have died from car crashes. We as drivers truly believe ourselves to be immune from such danger until the reality of life hits us, literally. For one second you may be driving and the next you’re in the ICU fighting for your life or on the side of the road being pronounced dead at the site by paramedics. Driving is our biggest responsibility as Citizens, the minute we get on the road we must not only look out for ourselves but be aware that our actions can affect others on the road as well.

Driving education really isn’t a thing where I’m from. Here in Missouri, I don’t know of any friend of mine that went out to go take a driver’s education class. With that in mind, would I trust them driving me around? The answer is no. Though I know many of them are heavily responsible there are a few of them I wish would’ve never gotten their hands on a license. Meaning here in Missouri where driver’s ed isn’t required, it is the responsibility of the driver to learn and know what road safety is. Drivers ed is only required in 32 out of the 50 states (DriversEd). Ignorance has proven to be a dangerous characteristic in other areas of life and it also applies to road safety. Education is safety, we need to not just require it we must reform the current education drivers get. Even with drivers’ education states that have not still have high mortality rates due to car crashes. Most people start driving as teens and we can be pretty reckless with our driving decisions. Proper education would allow us to not just know how to drive, but to be conscious while driving. If we can implement the idea of the seriousness of driving in students we can start getting more responsible drivers. Teaching basic road laws, tips, and having people feel the need to uphold safety. This can start when driving is thought of not just as a necessity but a responsibility. For education can take away the ignorance and misconstrued knowledge of what driving is, building the reality of the danger and the precautions one must take to prevent such events. Teaching responsibility to youth is more than just getting them to know how to pass a driver’s test. Safe driving is a mindset that with proper education will allow us to see a decrease in accidents.

Car accidents in my life have been a common occurrence. I have learned that driving can easily become fatal if not driving safe for even a second. I have had 2 of my close friends be in big accidents, one coming out with large injuries and the other losing two years of her life due to being in a coma. Both events happened separately though in the same year and they weren’t the only people I knew who had been in an accident they were the ones that made me see the reality. Driving is the highest responsibility anyone can take. My teammate, the one who up until recently was in a comma, drove on icy rodes and crashed. Due to not wearing a seatbelt, she would fly out of her windshield which is the major factor in her state. My best friend was hit by a reckless driver caused her to break a leg and have extreme bruising while her mother had her arm and ribs broken. The other driver hit them due to speeding past a red light, going to the point that there aren’t enough laws placed to punish reckless drivers.

We aren’t doing enough as a country to uphold the legislation we have placed for driving safely. There are multiple people out there who have gotten countless tickets due to speeding, driving drunk, texting while driving, and overall not following the rules we have placed. We allow people to continuously go out driving when they commit offenses that are and can be indicators that they may cause a future crash when the behavior is reppepative. To fix the issue we must become more serious about not just the legislation behind driving regulations but the education required to drive. Both of my friends in their crash didn’t have a seatbelt on something considered common sense yet it seems as if they thought that like other days nothing would happen. They were both 15/16, young drivers who were legally allowed on the road. As the state, we need to make sure every driver is knowledgeable of the regulations, dangers, and limitations of driving. A child can not be given what could become a metal tomb without more practice than what is required. So we must push for the education of our youth as many have died from what are simple driving mistakes. To also protect that youth, like mentioned before, must enforce the law in regards to road safety. I have seen many cases where people who had driven drunk multiple times didn’t have their license taken away and were given what I would consider a slap on the wrist for such an offense. To fix this we must act accordingly and actually punish multiple-time offenders. From those who speed to those who have passed red lights on multiple occurrences, one of those times will lead to an accident. So to fix the issue we must not only seek change on how driving is thought but laws in regards to road safety are enforced heavily.

I plan to drive soon and I’m afraid I won’t lie. I have seen car accidents happen in front of me where people are heavily injured. Though I don’t plan to be irresponsible. I have taken my time to learn and yet I feel as if I don’t know enough. I still fear driving on icy roads and I do my best not to be distracted. Becoming aware of my surroundings is a skill I had to practice more than ever.

I plan to take driving classes, something is better than nothing as it’s the best way to get practice. Like all things in life to be a better driver, one has to practice. Doing it by going to classes is the safest way to do it for you have someone guiding you and you don’t have to worry about harming others around you. It is my responsibility as a newer driver to understand safe driving. It is a step we can all take collectively, change will start to happen as we all take that step. Education is safety and as a nation, we can help protect each other through having the will to learn.