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2023 Driver Education Round 3 – My Experiences of Unsafe Driving

Name: Adele J Litchke-Bush
From: Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Votes: 0

My Experiences of Unsafe Driving

Minnesota has four hundred deaths a year from driving accidents, and the US has over forty thousand. Those numbers are incredibly high and could be lowered if everyone practiced safe driving. Safe driving is crucial in America because car accidents happen every day from reckless driving. Even if one survives a car accident, it doesn’t mean they didn’t suffer financially or physically. Practicing safe driving is the most important thing to do while driving: keeping all of your focus on the road, not being under the influence, and paying attention to driver education classes are clever ways to ensure safe driving is accomplished.

One way to promote safer driving is to pay attention in driver education classes and not study at the last minute before the test. Driver education is essential to young drivers everywhere because it prepares them for the dangers of driving and how to practice safe driving to prevent accidents. Without driver education courses, drivers would not know the proper laws and rules for driving, which would increase the number of deaths and accidents from driving tremendously. Taking a driver’s course prepares drivers to prevent accidents; drivers learn all the precautions to avoid accidents and being pulled over by a cop or a State Trooper. The number of deaths from driving is high now, but they would be significantly higher if people didn’t go through driver’s education.

Aside from taking driver education classes, there are many steps drivers can use to prevent accidents and deaths related to driving. Distractions are hazardous while driving, but many drivers still let distractions take over while on the road. If drivers got rid of all distractions on the road, there would be fewer accidents due to the driver’s primary focus on the road. Whether texting while driving or listening to music at total volume, the driver’s primary focus should be on the road and paying attention to the surroundings. Even if a driver’s focus is off the road for only a second, it is still highly hazardous for the driver and others. I have gone into the ditch before due to my focus not being on the road at all times. I was on my way home, had the volume turned up all the way on my stereo, and I got thirsty. Since I was dehydrated, I looked for my water bottle but didn’t see it in the cup holder, so I kept looking around. I finally saw it on the floor of my car, reached for it, and went into the ditch because I was distracted. Although my focus was off the road for only a few seconds, it was still unsafe, and I had to pay two hundred dollars to get out of the ditch due to my hazardous driving.

Sobriety is also crucial for safe driving because the brain’s judgment is at its best. Drunk drivers have no place on the road due to the dangerous outcomes. I have personally had a family member close to death as a result of drunk driving. My stepfather was in a coma for three days while also losing all of his front teeth and breaking numerous bones. He now can not chew the candy and food he used to because he has dentures. His friend, who was in the passenger seat, also almost died due to my stepfather practicing unsafe driving. The damages were not only on their bodies, but they were also in debt from the damages my stepdad had made. Seeing the outcome of what happens if you drunk drive taught me the most valuable lesson: never drunk drive. It is always safer to call a cab or have a friend drive you because you are not only putting yourself in danger but also putting the lives of other people who are also on the road in danger.

If everyone practiced the steps to become a safer driver, many lives would be saved as a result. Not only are you keeping yourself safe by practicing these good habits, but you are keeping so many other people’s lives safe, too. The start of practicing safe driving may be tricky, but if you start with decreasing distractions and being sober, the habits will become natural to you, and you won’t have to think about them; instead, you will just be a safe driver. You will also save money on repairs, decrease the chances of accidents, and feel less nervous while driving due to adequately following the laws and rules of driving.