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2023 Driver Education Round 3 – What Drivers Education can do

Name: Melane Pina
From: Houston, Texas
Votes: 0

What Drivers Education can do

We risk our lives by simply walking outside or driving a car. Drunk drivers, reckless driving, road conditions, speeding, and vehicle malfunctions are just a few ways in which accidents can happen. Most of these causes can be easily prevented with drivers’ education. Drivers’ education is a course that teaches techniques of driving a vehicle, vehicle maintenance, laws, traffic regulations, and safety precautions. Drivers’ education can save thousands of lives including yours.

About 77% of drivers have been in at least one accident, says a report by Esurance. I, myself, have been on several car accidents. I was 9 years old when I was involved in my first and most life-threatening car crash. My mom, brother, and I were on our way to get groceries. We had been on the road for an hour or 2 running errands and we had one more store until we would finally be able to go home. I’m sure we can all say that even the shortest trip to the corner store we encounter a reckless driver, a driver who doesn’t care about endangering oneself and others. From one grocery store to another, we encountered a daring operator. The driver was driving in the opposite direction. HIs light left turn light was on yield. We were going straight at 30 mph and as were approaching the stop light; the driver makes a quick and sharp left turn. It hit our car on the left-hand side of the driver, my mom. All the windows broke, and all the shattered pieces flew onto us straight into our faces. For the next 5 months, I had to be pulled out of school from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm to go to physical therapy. In addition to that, we had to also be pulled out of school to go to court. The crash instilled in us a fear of road and a fear of driving.

Some will say that driver’s education isn’t as effective as it used to be. They say that the course is to help one pass the test not to teach you about the rules and importance of driving safely. To this I say, yes, it is true. It is true that driver’s education will help one pass the drivers test, but along the way, you are learning. Whether one chooses to deny the fact that the course grows your knowledge about driving on roads or not, at the end of the day it still does. How does one pass a test is nothing was learned. You are taught material that you are tested on and to pass you must memorize it. If you’re driving often, what you memorized is not going to simply go away and disappear. So yes, the course helps you pass the test and in which you grow your knowledge. To support this, in Forbes, “Is Driver’s Ed Good Enough? Most Americans Don’t Think So,” a report says, “more than half of Boomers, the oldest drivers surveyed, said they remember most of everything they learned (56%)” Drivers Education is not outdated. Its what one chooses to view it as.

According to a report accidents and crashes not only could and have led to PTSD, but in more severe cases, can cause emotional trauma. This is why it is so important to educate oneself about driving. Drivers’ education can and does lower the death rate of driving accidents and those who could get involved in crashes won’t go through the trauma that is associated with the accident and the aftermath of the accident.

Drivers’ education along with the involvement of parental support is the most effective way to staying safe on the road. Educating children before and along the way of the course is crucial. It is important that from a young age, they are learning that driving is an important lifetime experience, but also a dangerous and risky one. In order to learn about the good, we must learn about the bad to avoid situations that could take a quick turn. What we as people who on the daily walk on sidewalks or cross streets much contribute to is also learning the rules. It is not all about the people behind the wheel, but also about the people who surround the vehicle’s It is a contribution between everyone who participates in being in a public place.

Whether you are learning or experiencing driving, continue the practice of using modernizing tools, interactive safety tests, and surveillance technology to keep not only oneself safe, but also everyone else.