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2024 Driver Education Round 2 – Creating Safer Roads

Name: Jamar Thomas
From: Long Beach, CA
Votes: 10

Creating Safer Roads

We all want to create a fairer and safer community for ourselves and our loved ones. Especially for the next generation, our children. This is why we have law enforcement, and we vote in elections. These are steps we take to ensure a safer environment. However, there’s one daily task we do almost every day that reduces our safety in cities, and that’s driving. This is a task many people do without thinking about how safe they’re being. Many of us drive as fast as we want to. We drive just thinking about where we’re headed to. However, this kind of thinking is one of the leading causes of car crashes and fatalities on the road. Many of us take safety for granted while driving, and we end up driving unsafely and illegally. In truth, there are more car crashes than plane crashes. Driving can be one of the most dangerous activities in our communities if done irresponsibly. We must bring into attention being safer on the roads as this too creates a safer and fairer community. This is why it’s important to have a driver’s handbook in your house and while you’re out. Even if you mostly memorize the rules, always stay up to date with new laws and effects. There’s a reason we must study hard for the driver’s test. Driving unsafely not only puts your life in danger, but others around you as well, whether it’s pedestrians walking in the street, animals, or other drivers. I believe the biggest cause of car crashes is distracted driving. Most car crashes are not by accident. Examples of distracted driving can be eating, drinking, looking and scrolling on your phone when you’re supposed to be driving. You can even be distracted due to your emotions. If you just had an argument with someone, or you’re having an emotional breakdown, all these can impact your flow of driving. To be safer at driving, we must pay no attention to our phones. If we’re using a GPS on our phone, listen to it without taking your eyes off the road. Don’t snack and drink while driving. If you eat and drink because you’re too hungry or tired, then stop driving and relax. It’s better to take a break from driving than to risk causing a collision. Responding to texts and calls can wait until you stop driving. If you really need to make a call, or text someone, then pull over to a safe parking spot. If you’ve had an argument with someone, try to calm down before driving. Uncontrolled emotions will distract us from having a safety mindset. We might not pay attention to drivers merging into a lane, or drivers in our blind spots.

If our emotions are out of control, we can get short tempered on the road and this creates road rage, which is another leading cause of crashes in cities. Even before you head out on the road, make sure you’re able to drive safely. For example, if you’re tired you should rest before heading out. If you need to head out at that moment, get enough hours of sleep before you drive. Eat and drink enough water before heading out as well. Also, make sure your vehicle completely works. The tires should be up to date, the engine and the motor should operate well. Like I mentioned earlier, keep track of new laws, and memorize the signs on the road. Even if you don’t get distracted from driving, not having a complete understanding of road signs and lights can be just as dangerous. Memorize what the streetlights mean, as well as orange or white signs on the road. Unfortunately, you can’t control how other people drive, but you should at least be a safe driver. This will prevent more casualties and collisions on the road. I know how nerve wracking it is to be around an unsafe driver. I’ve ridden with my cousin before, and he’s always driven quick. I remember being a child, and riding with him. It was scary because I didn’t know if he was going to crash into someone or something. I’ve even seen crazy drivers on the road who swerve into lanes in an unsafe manner, and who drive during red lights. We know how scary it is to see dangerous drivers on the road, yet we don’t do what we must do to remain safe while driving. The main points to take from this would be to have knowledge of streetlights and signs on the road, and to not be distracted while driving. Always keep your eyes on the road and look over your blind spot and mirrors if you need to change lanes. We all want to feel safer in our community. Let’s start focusing on safety on the road. By doing this, we can change our city for the better one step at a time.