Name: Trinity Juana Riollano
From: Stafford, VA
Votes: 99
It Could Cost Your Life
Losing an uncle is hard enough. Losing an uncle to a situation that could have been easily prevented is crushing. What should have been a day of celebrating his girlfriend’s birthday, became a day of tragedy.
In 2021, I lost my uncle Mike in a car accident. While driving he overcorrected and was ejected from the driver’s side window. He died shortly after the impact from the car rolling on top of him. His face was practically unrecognizable in the open casket from all the reconfiguration. His one choice to not wear a seat belt cost his life. His girlfriend, a passenger in the car, was wearing a seatbelt and survived the collision with minimal scratches and no injuries. How different would my uncle’s life have been if he had clicked his seatbelt? How different would my 2021 have been if I didn’t attend a funeral at the beginning of the year? And how many other lives have been lost from the simple but reckless decision to not wear a seatbelt?
I will be getting my driver’s license this year and one of the first lessons in my driving course was the dangers of reckless driving and car safety. I vividly remember my first lesson and the constant reminder of “click it, or ticket” and “wear your seat belt”. It seems simple, yet many drivers, new and old, completely ignore the laws surrounding seat belts. Many drivers nowadays do not completely understand the effects their driving has on other people and drive as such.
I am lucky to be surrounded by students who take driving safety seriously. Many of my friends, and fellow students, understand the importance of their driver’s ed courses once they have completed them. Although it felt like a chore at times, they cannot undermine the importance of its requirement. In fact, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that driver’s education does reduce the amount of driving-related deaths. It is imperative that all drivers are educated and take courses to be safe and protect others.
Outside of requiring driver’s ed courses, there are many other things drivers can do to protect themselves and others on the road. Firstly, it is important that all drivers are completely sober from alcohol and drugs when entering their vehicle. Every year, thousands of pedestrians and drivers die in alcohol and drug-related accidents. Drivers can help reduce this dilemma by always being sober when driving or by having a sober friend who is willing to drive. Next, drivers can protect themselves and others by avoiding distractions such as phones, people, and even distracting thoughts. To drive safely, all your attention must be on the road and your surroundings. Your phone, passengers, and thoughts about your dinner tonight are not the priority while in the driver’s seat. All drivers must do their best to prevent distracting behaviors and focus on the road. Lastly, drivers should drive cautiously. Even if you follow all the rules, and do everything right, other drivers may still be reckless and not think of others, Because of this, all drivers should drive with much caution to be ready for the reckless maneuvers of other drivers.
As stated previously, I will be getting a driver’s license very soon so I am more than privy to the dangers and expectations while driving. As a driver, I can protect myself from dangerous and reckless driving by making sure I am well-rested on the road. Drowsy driving can have many of the same effects as drinking and driving. Thousands of crashes occur every year from drowsy driving. By making sure I have slept well and have not taken any drowsy medicines before driving, I can put myself and others in a much safer position on the road. Another driving tactic I can use to put myself and others in a safer position on the road is by putting my phone in the back seat. Truly, there is very rarely, if ever, a reason to need your phone on the road. I know my phone can be a distraction in everyday life, let alone while driving. To put myself and others in a safer position on the road I can put my phone away while driving. Lastly, I can put on my seatbelt and remind my passengers to do the same. As a driver, it is my responsibility to put my safety, and my passenger’s safety, above all else. By buckling my seatbelt, I can prevent significant injuries and death if I am in a collision. I have personally seen how significantly a simple seatbelt can quickly change lives. As a driver, I must put on my seatbelt and encourage my passengers to do so as well.
Driving is a privilege, not a right, that many take for granted. Thousands of people die every day from the reckless decisions of both new and old drivers. As a driver, you must be safe on the road, prevent distractions, and protect both yourself and others with your driving maneuvers. Drivers, remember the importance of safety on the road. Although my uncle Mike will always be remembered, his tragic ending will always remain a reminder that the choice to not drive safely could cost your life.