Name: Nicole Alvarado
From: Detroit, Michigan
Votes: 6
The Road to Responsibility: Protecting Lives on the Road
At the early age of 15, I decided to make the important decision of taking a drivers education course. I remember people telling me, “You know, you could just wait 3 more years and just get your license at the Secretary of State.” I thought about this, but what pushed me to take classes was the fact that I could gather much more information that many people tend to forget. Now, this does not mean that there is a wrong way of obtaining a license, I am simply stating that a drivers ed class could be very beneficial in teaching drivers the importance of driving safely, how to avoid driving recklessly, and how to become an overall better driver.
While in driving classes I vividly remember the statement that a vehicle could potentially be a weapon when not being operated safely, this stuck out to me because its strange seeing a vehicle and correlating a safety hazard with it. A car, truck, bus, etc. is a thing many people use every day, and with the surplus of people using automobiles, it’s crucial to realize the dangers of driving one. With taking classes, there is a plethora of teachings, and although it seems like a lot, all of it is important. Starting with the basics, drivers’ education teaches the traffic laws and road signs one needs to know to not only stay out of trouble but to improve safety on the road. This then leads to emphasizing the importance of responsibility. I know in my driving class they taught us to be patient on the road, especially when we are running late to something, it’s better to get there late than not at all. One of the most important teachings is to always be alert, the teaching of scoping out potential dangers and making split second decisions in a safe manner. The best thing about taking a driver’s education course is the fact that safe driving is instilled in people, especially young drivers, and practice on the road is taught in a controlled environment.
There are many steps to take to avoid driving-related deaths, of course one step is taking a drivers education course, this is especially important for new drivers, but another step that seems to be overlooked is listening to stories of other drivers. It’s common to think that a lecture or scolding is being given when an older and experienced driver is telling a story from their experience, but most of them are telling stories to express concern and to stress the importance of safety on the road. It’s imperative to note that there are also steps that could be taken that don’t involve drivers, for example, safer roads. Potholes, narrow roads, gravel, are all things that could potentially make the driver lose control and cause an accident. Another great example is ensuring the safety of vehicles being manufactured, safety features are a great tool that most newer cars have now a days, beeping when hazards are in view, seatbelt reminders, and I have even seen cars that have a button you could push to call the police for an emergency.
I personally have been a passenger involved in a car accident. My older sister and I decided to go get something to eat when we came to a stop light. My sister pushed on the brake of course but as we were stopping, she glanced at the rearview mirror like she was taught in drivers’ education and saw the car behind her was not coming to a stop. My sister’s split-second decision was to take her foot off the brake pedal to lessen the intensity of the hit and prepare for a collision. We were so incredibly lucky that the crash was not as extreme as it could have been, due to the low-speed limit and with no one in front of us. Thankfully the older man who hit us was completely okay as well and explained that he was breaking but he has been having some issues with the brake being hard to push sometimes.
There is no such thing as being too safe on the road, which is why there is always steps any driver can take to ensure safety. One step that I think more people should be reminded of (including me) is keeping up to date with road laws and staying informed. Laws change all the time, so looking up information from time to time can help me improve my driving safety skills. Another step I can take is to try and remove distractions as much as possible, I still should work on this because distractions are inevitable, sometimes it can be passengers, the car next to you, events happening outside, and of course the cell phone. I recently compiled multiple song playlist into different music moods I am feeling just so I don’t have to worry about skipping a song or typing one in, and lastly, staying calm. It’s easy to feel stressed in traffic, or maybe even mad at a person who just cut you off, but I always remind myself to stay calm and be patient because emotions can alter the way a person drives and the decisions they make.
For me, practicing safe driving is a topic I will forever speak highly about, and a big reason for this is because of my grandfather. My grandfather has been a semi driver for over 20 years, and with him being on the road constantly, remembering to drive safely is always on my subconscious and I always hope to set an example for those on the road with me. When my grandpa is driving, I only hope that people can try and practice safe driving to avoid hurting themselves or my grandpa. I am incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to take a driver’s education course and a family who has helped me be a better driver because without that, I know that I wouldn’t be the driver I am today.