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Driving Safe Equals Living Safe

Name: Eli Zaleska-D'Aguiar
From: Phoenix, Arizona
Votes: 2


Safe Equals Living Safe

kinda crazy how much driving has impacted our lives. It’s what gets
us to where we need when we need. Going to work, hanging out with
friends and family, its does it all. There are just a couple things
with driving that have been big problems for many years. First off,
texting and driving has been such a big part in car accidents. It’s
one of the leading causes of car crashes. I know some states like my
own, Arizona, is making it illegal to use your phone while driving. I
think that’s a great start for stopping people from texting and
driving. It’s very common for people to know someone that’s been
involved in a crash cause my texting and driving because it’s so
common. Secondly, people need to just pay attention. I see a lot of
people when driving never using turn signals when turning or
switching lanes. That’s dangerous for both that person and you. For
you, you don’t see their turn signal and sometimes it just happens so
fast it causes an accident. Also people need to make sure to check
their blind spots. I can’t tell you how many times I see a car
switch lanes and almost connect with another car because they don’t
check their blind spot. I always make sure I look over my shoulder
before I turn so that never happens. Lastly, I think everyone should
be a defensive driver. Don’t drive to aggressively and don’t speed.
Just go the speed limit and pay attention at all times. That’s
probably the best way you will stay safe on the roads. Don’t speed
past cars or cut people off. One, it’s rude, and two, it’s just
another reason why an accident can happen. Some people get carried
away to confident in their driving skills that they feel the need to
do things like that. In all I think some people need to pay more
attention when driving and just drive safe. It will benefit not only
you but also others.