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Safe Driver Essay

Name: Samantha Elizabeth Haines
From: Crestwood, Kentucky
Votes: 8

long for the feeling of the freedom that comes with driving; the
feeling that they can go anywhere they want and do anything they
want. They develop the idea that once they sit in the driver’s seat,
they are unstoppable; that however, is not the case. Drivers between
the ages of 16 to 24 are far more susceptible to injuries or death
caused by car collisions than any other age range. Additionally, car
accidents are the third leading cause of death in America as a whole.
Teenagers, and even current older drivers, do not grasp how dangerous
driving is. Many do not realize how cautious they have to be for
themselves and others on the road. Therefore, reinforcement of the
current safe driving regulations, as well as consequences for
breaking them, is much needed. A smart driver is a safe driver.

is so easy for new drivers to fall into poor driving habits that end
up endangering the lives of themselves and others; this can range
from failure to utilize the seatbelt to driving under the influence.
I have even witnessed poor driving practice within my own family,
including texting while driving. This is when passengers need to be
more involved and call the drivers out for their behavior. Although
some drivers may react negatively, they should begin to think about
the consequences of their actions if something were to go wrong.
Texting while driving? Could crash into someone else. No seat belt?
Could face more injury in case of a wreck. Road rage? Could be taken
out on the wrong person and hurt them, or worse. With every negative
action, there is always a possibility of a negative reaction.

drivers will always see the rules of the road as more guidelines.
They believe that their way is the right of way and so on. The truth
is, no individual is above the law. Although they believe that their
driving ability is stronger than others, they’re just as much at
risk of an accident. Stronger public awareness of the rules of the
road through different forms of media is much needed towards all
drivers, not just teenagers. The future, with the increasing
promotion of safe driving, should bring safer driving practices among
all individuals.

are always going to be those who drive recklessly, it is up to you on
how to deal with them when you cross paths. As a teenager that now
has their licence and the freedom to drive, I would want myself and
others to feel safe and follow the laws. An increase in safe driving
practices will contribute to better driving conditions for everyone.
Everyone else has places to be, let’s make sure they get there too.