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Reckless Drivers, No Survivors

Name: Nathaniel Robert Cooper
From: Albuquerque, NM
Votes: 6

Reckless Drivers,
No Survivors.

What is the
importance of drivers ed in reducing the number deaths as a
result of driving?

What steps can be
taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?

Have you ever had
an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or
family members driving irresponsibly?

What steps can
you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others
become safer on the road?

Drivers ed
is invaluable, because it can instill a healthy fear of dangerous
driving in new drivers. This will decrease the odds of them driving
unsafely in the early years of driving. Examples of steps that can
be taken to decrease unsafe driving are apps that will turn off when
they detect that you are driving, such as Apple’s ‘Do Not Disturb
While Driving’ mode. Other ways are teaching these drivers
self-control as young children, which will cause the teaching they
had as young kids will carry on as a habit when they are older. I
personally have not been in an accident, nor have my immediate
family, but I do have friends who have been in accidents because of
irresponsible or reckless drivers. Other friends have driven
recklessly, but thankfully have not gotten into any accidents. Steps
I can take are to maintain situational awareness, not being
distracted by passengers, and always use self-control when I get
behind the wheel. When there are people who drive recklessly, they
dramatically increase the amount of danger they put themselves, and
other drivers around them in.
Reckless Drivers, No Survivors.