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Round 3 – Drivers Seat

Name: Hailey Kleinschmit
From: Norfolk, NE
Votes: 0

Drivers Seat

The usage of phones is slowly increasing every year. Children that are as young as 3 already know how to use phones. I don’t know about you but when I was 3, I was entertained by my polly pockets. Drivers education is extremely important for preventing serious car accidents and deaths. Without taking drivers education classes, there would be little acknowledgment about how to drive safely and properly on the road.

In 2018, an estimated 40,000 people lost their lives due to car crashes. It’s sad, frustrating, and maddening to consider that all these lives that were lost could have been prevented. Doing something as simple as putting on your seatbelt reduces the risk of death and injury by 50%!

Some other ways to reduce deaths related to driving is to never get into the driver’s seat after a night of drinking. Never think that being on time for a social engagement or a meeting is worth risking your life. Always drive at a speed you are confident with. Never overestimate your ability to multitask. Don’t believe the myth that hands free conversations are safe.

I constantly become frustrated when I see my Mom go on her phone to just send a text. I get very anxious and nervous as she starts to swerve off the road. As I tell her to get off her phone she explains to me how it’s just one text and that it won’t take long. That one text could get both of us killed easily. By texting and driving it puts everyone at risk the second you look down to start typing.

Some ways to become a better driver on the road are to stay focused, drive defensively, practice safely, and make a safe driving plan. Be cautioned by other drivers as they will also make mistakes. But most importantly, stay off your phone. By doing all these steps of being a safe driver will slowly reduce the amount of deaths lost by car accidents. We’re more distracted than ever, so it’s crucial to know the basics of safe driving and practice them every time you’re on the road.