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Round 3 – Mission: Safe Driver

Name: Chloe Maas
From: Newton Falls, Ohio
Votes: 3764

Mission: Safe Driver

As a new driver, the first day of driver’s education was so exciting. It meant I was closer to being behind the wheel, but I was so naïve to the dangers that came along with the responsibility. I think driver’s education plays an important role in a young person’s life. The goal being to teach the basics of the road, including safety and in turn reduce the number of crashes, as well as, traffic violations. I believe the classes help create smarter drivers and safer roads for everyone. Some important things to always remember when behind the wheel is to always wear your seatbelt and encourage everyone else to wear it too. Also, always drive the speed limit and consider the weather and road conditions when driving. Lastly, never text and drive. Your phone should never be your priority, your life and others should be. A few years ago, I was a passenger in a car accident. The weather was the cause. The accident occurred due to white out conditions. The accident could have been a lot worse, but my mother’s calmness and control got us out of harms way. Luckily no one was hurt, just the vehicle. This accident has also brought to my attention a car can be replaced, my family can not. Being a safe driver is something that you can build on with experience. Always be open to learn from others and mistakes. Some of the most important tips to share is always wear your seatbelt, always use your turn signal, check your mirrors, maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you, and read road signs. These are some basics, but are important and can save a life.