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Round 3 – Collision Course to Safety

Name: JaiQuan Earls
From: Bloomington, Indiana
Votes: 82

Collision Course to Safety

Collision Course to Safety

I’m sitting in the driver seat telling myself, “not again,” as there is silence and eeriness in the air. I proceeded to get out of my car and saw that it was heavily damaged on the right passenger side. I hear crying and then spotted the young lady with the front end of her car totaled. I helped her get out of the car; I saw that her phone was on her lap and that she was in the middle of sending a text message to a friend. Just because she was distracted by her phone, she ran the light, not knowing it was red, and hit me on the side. Thousands of people die every year related to automobile accidents, with millions of dollars going out for damages and insurance. I was just lucky to come out unscratched and alive, but the fear stills trouble me. What could have gone differently? I asked; I then started to remember the importance of driver education and how that could have helped prevent all of this from happening.

Driver education is important because it provides knowledge of the road rule, laws, and regulations that come with driving. If driver education were taught in schools and required standards were made to have it taught as a high school class, then that would decrease the volume of accidents and deaths each year. Having to learn about the road rules and signs will help the driver have an understanding of the limitations and knowledge of driving, the road signs, and regulations. The steps that can be taken towards this are for every high school to have a class that strictly teaches road signs, road laws, the meaning of them, fines, and the laws that are all centered around driving. This can significantly reduce the number of deaths because the driver will then have a better understanding of the rules and regulations, as well as the limitation it comes to when driving, especially the importance of texting and driving. If that young lady had her phone put away, that accident could have been prevented. I do have more experience of being in a car accident with three of the occasion being the fault of the other driver. The drivers were driving irresponsibly, and either was distracted by their cell phone or didn’t follow road sign knowledge when needed to causing injury and damage to me and themselves.

Due to those experiences it made me take into consideration that I have to not just drive for myself but for other drivers as well to ensure my safety. The steps that I can choose to be a better and safer driver are to be more aware of my surroundings, as well as helping others become safer on the road by making sure that my driving is excellent and reliable. Even though an accident can happen at any time, it’s safe to be aware of your surroundings.