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Round 3 – The Importance of Driving

Name: Haley Case
From: Lawrenceburg, KY
Votes: 90

In the world we live in today our main source of transportation is by car. You would think people would be very knowledgeable about the safety of driving and how serious we need to be. People think that since they passed their drivers test they know all about it, when that is definitely not the case. We need to help people understand this, that is why Drivers Education is so important.

The importance of Drivers Education is to make you feel more confident and comfortable when driving. If you don’t know enough about the road then you could easily put not only yourself but others in harm’s way. You need to know how to keep you and others safe. Taking a Drivers Education class can teach you how to safely change lanes, know who has the right away, and the importance of your seat belt and other safety tips. All three of these points are taught and are to help us all to be safer drivers!

There are many ways to reduce the number of deaths related to driving and they are quite simple. The main things are to obey traffic laws, avoid distractions(cell phones, makeup, children, etc.), do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and drive rested. These were some of the key ways to reduce the number and ways you can make sure you do these are easy! Know your traffic laws, you can buy books, watch videos, or take a Drivers Education class. To avoid distractions simply put your phone in the backseat so you can’t even get to it, do makeup when you are completely parked, and stay focused on the road. If you are under the influence call for someone to come get you and take you home, it is not worth it. Doing these things could save a life, it’s your responsibility.

One Friday night, after the Bearcat Football team had taken home a sweet victory, all the cheers and smiles quickly turned to cries and frown. The darkness outside was no longer lit up with stadium lights but full of red and blue lights shining from ambulance and cop cars. A man running from the law in a high speed chase had hit  2 young girls and a young man.  One of the girls and the young man survived with very little injuries, but sadly one lost her life that night. Her life was going to be filled with so much adventure and happiness. But due to one irresponsible driving it was all taken away from her. She was only 18 years old with her whole life ahead of her. If it wasn’t for such reckless driving and behavior she would still be here today. Think of others when you drive, not only about yourself.

A major step I can take to help better my driving and other is to completely forget about my phone. I catch myself trying to change a song or send a text when I need to be more focused on the road. There are a lot of things I need to do to better my driving and since I did take a Drivers Education Course it pointed out a lot of the mistakes I was doing and since then I have been paying a lot more attention to my actions while driving.