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Drivers Ed Online – Guard Rails and Guardian Angels

Name: Caitlyn Neese
From: Powell, TN
Votes: 0

Guard Rails and Guardian Angels

Rails and Guardian Angels

many drivers do not adhere to save driving even if they have taken
Drivers ed, it is still very important for everyone to know
these techniques. Humans seem to learn after they have made a
mistake, changing the way they act or respond in a situation. I
already knew how to drive safely, but I did not follow the rules and
the law as I should have. As a result, I could have died or killed
someone else.

believe that safe driving courses are a phenomenal way to change how
someone drives for the better. I know attending it changed my
perspective. I think every person should experience this at least
once in their life, preferably at a young age. As I know now, driving
distracted or in any way impaired is absolutely an unacceptable
thing. I now always force myself to get off the road if something is
distracting me.

October of 2019, I fell asleep at the wheel of my car as I headed
home from college. I kept telling myself I could close my eyes for a
few seconds, and I would be okay. I was going to pull off at the next
exit and find a place where I could safely take a nap or find
something to spike my energy. My plans did not work out. I was going
seventy miles per hour when I dozed off and ended up hitting the
guard rail on the left side. I then crossed over the entire highway,
but I did not know this at the time. I thought I was spinning out. I
could not see, and I could not hear anything besides metal against
metal and tire screeching.

I finally stopped panicking enough to slam on the breaks, I turned
off my car and got out for fear that something was on fire. What I
was smelling was my tires. I remember shaking and a lovely couple
calling the police for me as I called home. God was watching over me
that day. If the guard rail had not been there, I would have ended up
rolling into a valley next to the highway. I thank God I did not hit
anyone else and that I came out of that with only a small bruise and
a seat belt burn.

I am being honest, I do not know what steps to take to prevent car
accidents and the resulting deaths. It comes with a change of heart.
After my accident, I had to ask myself a few questions. What if I had
died? What if I had hit someone else and they died? How would I feel
if I took someone’s life from them because of my own carelessness?
People drive the way they do because they are concerned with getting
where they are going. They do not care about possibly taking a life
until it may be too late.