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Driver Education Round 3 – One Small Disturbance

Name: Jenna Cruz
From: Portage, Indiana
Votes: 31

One Small Disturbance

One glance to the back seat. One quick look at your phone. One small disturbance to your driving could determine the rest of your life, or someone else’s. On average, 34,000 people face the consequences of poor driving per year. Driving is extremely dangerous, yet most teens just see it as freedom. And while it is freedom in a sense, it is a privilege that should be taken seriously. The education and training that goes into learning how to drive are of the utmost importance, as it teaches future drivers the rules of the road that can save a life. Actively listening and being attentive to the training sessions is one of many steps that new drivers can take to reduce the number of deaths. Focusing on the road and minimizing distractions is another step that will dramatically decrease the fatality rate of driving. Being in any situation involving a car accident is terrifying whether you’re a driver or a passenger. Being a safe driver is possible for everyone. Paying close attention to all your surroundings will help you be safe, and help keep others safe. Using a cell phone while driving doesn’t always seem like the biggest distraction, yet it is one of if not the most distracting. Being safer while driving starts with you. You can teach your friends and family the importance of driving safely and together we can all help each other save lives.

Driver education isn’t the most fun for young and new drivers, as they are so excited to hit the road. However, there are driving instructors and classes in place to provide the knowledge of safe and responsible driving. These classes and people should be taken with every bit of seriousness. The hour or two it takes will give you knowledge that will help you on the road, including how to prevent a car accident. Furthermore, you will be given tips on ways to try and avoid an accident due to another driver’s mistake. Proper education on driving can reduce the number of deaths, as more people will know the proper rules of the road and will learn how to be attentive and responsible drivers.

Coming to a full stop at a stop sign and following the speed limit are just two ways that can decrease the number of accidents. The small details of driving such as these often go forgotten while driving. However, they can be the difference between taking your life or another’s. Ensuring you are being a responsible driver is the best step to take that will lead to lives being saved.

Driving home from practice one day, I felt my car get hit from behind very hard. After pulling over to the side of the road and calling the police, I stepped out to observe the extensive damage. The other driver had been going too fast, while not paying attention to the road. The consequences were two cars severely damaged as well as two traumatized teens. Some steps could have been taken to avoid the accident such as the other driver following the speed limit and paying attention. Luckily we both left physically unharmed, but that is of course not always the case. During my Sophomore year, a group of girls from my school were heading home from the beach when they swerved off the road. One girl who wasn’t wearing her seat belt didn’t make it out of the accident. The news spread like wildfire and was horrific. Close friends and family felt every bit of the tragedy. Our school lost a kind soul to unsafe driving and we all saw and felt the effects personally. One small detail, a seatbelt, could have saved a life. Things can take a turn for the worse at any given second while you are behind the wheel, and it is important to ensure you are being a responsible driver above all else in an attempt to prevent that from happening.

Being a safe driver is possible for everyone. Paying attention to road signs and being responsible is important, as are following the speed limit and using turn signals. Once a driver can implement these into their driving routine, it will become a habit. If you see a loved one or a friend misusing their ability to drive, make sure you speak up and offer a hand to help make their driving safer. It can save a life. The small details while driving should never go unnoticed. Raising awareness of the importance of safe driving is the first step to lowering our fatality rate, and it all starts with you.