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Driver Education – Better driving equals safer roads

Name: Victoria Cook
From: Aurora, Illinois
Votes: 1912

Better driving equals safer roads

Victoria Cook

Safe driving

January 26th, 2021

Importance of safe driving

Driving is an everyday activity that most adults do. To many of us it has probably become second nature. I got my driver’s license when I was 17 years old. It’s something I do every single day to get to where I need to go. When someone is getting behind the wheel there are a lot of actions and thought processes that need to be taken into consideration.

Without driver’s education we would all be lost as to what to and to not do on the road. I think beyond driver’s education classes that you take to get your license should be further extended up until the age of 25. It’s extremely important that we as drivers’ are educated on the importance of getting behind the wheel because it can reduce accidents, and prevent deaths majorly. I believe that teenagers and adults should be made to take an extra class after the basic driver’s education course to make sure they know the rules of the road and then some.

If drivers’ drove more carefully like for instance slowed down quicker, made full stops at the stop sign, gave more room between stopping at lights, it could potentially create a more safe environment. Also if drivers’ were to get less angry, and be in less of a rush it could cause a safer driving experience for everyone on the road. Some people are so quick to get angry and cut others off that it can result in a major crash that could’ve been completely avoided if people could just calm down and relax behind the wheel.

Personally, I have been in over 8 car accidents in my life (none were my fault), and I’ve been lucky enough to make it out with no serious medical issues besides, extreme bruising and forever lasting knee and neck pain. My best friend who was also in the car with me ,the second major car accident I got in, got hurt so badly. She ended up with severe headaches and she skinned her face so badly because of the airbag deployment. It took her 2 months to fully heal, and she was lucky to have healed completely and her face returned to its normal state. My first car was completely totaled twice due to peoples’ lack of common sense on the road. I have been one to witness plenty of friends and family get angry on the road or drive very irresponsibly, and I try to correct them as soon as it happens, so it doesn’t cause a bigger issue.

I can do many things to be a safer driver. I can remain calm when others get angry or try to cut me off. I have to make sure I’m alert and aware at all times, so I won’t ever be the cause of a crash. I can take breaks, and park in a parking lot if I start to get anxious or angry and give myself a minute to calm down. I can also practice safe driving by making sure I’m going the speed limit, letting others who are driving recklessly in traffic pass me if they start to act too crazy. I can also help out friends and tell them the same things to remain calm and alert in a lot of situations when it comes to driving. Being an active, alert and calm driver is key to keeping roads safe.