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Driver Education – Driving Education is Important

Name: Rosalva Penelope Rodriguez
From: Yuba City, CA
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Driving Education is Important

Driving Is Important

Death is an inevitable factor of life, but one thing for sure is that death from an accident caused by unsafe driving, is avoidable. On average, it is estimated that about 3,287 deaths, due to driving accidents, occur every day. That is 3,287 parents, grandparents, siblings, and so on that are lost every single day because many drivers drive unsafely or are not aware of others around them whose lives are at risk. This is more than enough of a reason why driver education should be of serious importance in order to avoid losing a loved one on the road, especially teens who are still getting the hang of driving.

Beside from learning all of the rules of the road precisely, there are some other steps that should be taken to avoid the tragedy of getting in a driving accident. One of the most important steps that I believe one should take, more specifically teens, is practicing driving as much as possible and whenever possible. One can never get enough practice, especially when it comes to driving. Of course, some learn quicker than others, but it is always important to analyze how well you are able to drive during practice, and whether or not you believe you are able to drive among others with confidence about your driving skills and knowledge of the rules of the road. Not only are you lowering the risk of a driving accident, but one learns to get used to driving and can develop quick reflexes that can help you avoid unfortunate situations while driving. Another valuable step in the world of driving is to check and always make sure that you are fit for driving. In my personal experience, it is common to witness others on the road that are clearly unfit to drive. Before driving, teens and adults should make a check-list that will allow you to realize if you are fit to drive. Things such as having near-normal corrected vision, peripheral vision, being able to hear a car horn/siren easily, being able to rotate your neck to look over your shoulder, and having good sensation in your feet should be considered when doing your self-analysis in preparation of driving. Accidents are often caused by small things that drivers tend to forget. Following the steps such as the ones I had listed above, are very important and should never be taken lightly when it comes to driving safely for yourself, and for the sake of others.

Personally, I have not been in a driving accident (which I am incredibly grateful for), but I have witnessed close loved ones of mine be involved in them. I can honestly say that it is one of the most traumatizing experiences to get a phone call from someone about the topic that your loved one had been involved in a driving accident. It is just something that no one should ever have to go through. I recall a time, New Years Eve of 2020, that I had received a call from my older brother saying that he had been involved in a collision with another driver who was under the influence of alcohol, just as my brother was too. It was midnight, and it was a nightmare to hear that 2 other people were also in the car badly injured along with my brother just as the other driver in the other car was trying to flee the scene. I thank God everyday that my brother, and the others involved, had not been fatally killed because of unsafe driving. For this reason and many others, I vowed to myself and to my family that I would be as safe as possible and learn more about driving, so that they would never have to receive the dreadful call that their 18 year-old daughter had been killed in a driving accident due to unsafe driving. It is also a reason why driving education should be taken seriously immensely for everyone and anyone who drives or wants to learn.

Driving is a topic that I had always feared due to the terrifying stories I have heard about accidents. Despite being fearful of this topic, overtime, I have learned that fear had only ever made things worse. It is important that I play my part and be considerate of those around me, while I drive and become better and safer while doing so. I know that just like others, I must also make driving an important aspect of my life to practice and try to perfect. One of my most significant struggles is focusing on the road due to distractions, so I shall make it a priority to free my environment of distractions as much as possible to avoid and help reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving. like I stated previously, I will also make the effort and time to practice my skills as much as possible and analyze myself in order to realize if I am fit to be driving. With these steps, everyone and myself can help reduce the devastating numbers of deaths that we see due to unsafe driving and lack of driving education.