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Driver Education – DMV Drivers Education and Safety

Name: Kassie Lynne Eldreth
From: Taylorsville , North Carolina
Votes: 569

DMV Drivers Education and Safety

Drivers education is one of the most important subjects taught to young men and women in the U.S. today. Having proper driving skills and learning about the dangers of driving through driver’s education is very important in the prevention of driving related deaths today. If young or old drivers are not educated on the importance of following driving standards then the reduction of deaths will not be significant. All driving individuals should be able to drive safely and ensure the safety of others as they are trying to get from one area to another, and if that is not possible for the driver then they should not be driving. Proper education on the rules and regulation of driving is essential to reducing vehicle deaths. Some deaths to do vehicle accidents are non controllable such as weather, or vehicle malfunction, but those deaths that are caused by driving error could be prevented with proper training and education. If these deaths could be prevented in any way through education, communities should be involved in getting people educated, especially young drivers the proper education on driving and how to prevent possible deadly accidents.

Some steps that could be taken to prevent vehicle and driving related accidents could be requiring those who are capable of driving to take a test revolving around the common driving laws and regulation in order to refresh their knowledge on the subject. Another step could be to make more punishments or fines when going against the law when driving. Communities could also show more interest in driving safety by holding classes, posting flyers, holding events, and just getting the community involved and excited about driving safety in the communities. People today need to be updated on the driving laws and regulations, because for many they haven’t received education on the topic since they first started driving, and some vehicle accidents could also be caused by those who are not capable of driving safely and efficiently. Such as those who drive while impared or those who are not capable of driving due to vision impairment, or other health conditions.

I have personally been involved in a single car accident in my lifetime. I was involved in a car crash with my father and brother due to distractions. Luckily nothing major occurs, as it was a small incident. Sadly, I do see lots of distracted driving and driving dangerously as I am driving the road. I have avoided multiple accidents and I have seen accidents occur due to careless drivers while I am driving on the road. Which is something no young driver like myself wants to see because you cannot control those around you, and the only way I can prevent accidents involving myself and others is by being educated on driving safety and to ensure that I am as safe as possible while driving, and to encourage others to do the same.

Some steps I can take to be a safer driver is to put all distractions away such as a phone, which is one of the most dangerous things to have while driving. I need to ensure that I have all my personal belongings stored away and to ensure that I am not tempted to mess with anything while driving. Another precaution I could take in my own vehicle is to make sure that I have everything I need ready for when I start to drive, for example if I am in need of a GPS I need to already have the GPS ready to go when I start my drive instead of setting it up while driving. Not only can phone usage be a big issue while driving myself and others need to make sure that all things in the vehicle are not going to be flying around during the drive, and if there is something such as food or maybe a bag/wallet then it needs to be put away or handled in a manner that it does not affect or distract me while driving. Not only could I be prepared for the drive before I start but I can update myself on the road laws and regulations at least once a month if not more to better my understanding of the changing road conditions and laws. And to better educate myself on the topic so I can help others and keep those around me safe.

To wrap up previous statements I have been personally affected by unsafe driving, and I’m sure most people today have been affected by it. Driving education and safety are directly correlated to the amount of deaths caused by driving. There are multiple ways my community and other communities are able to prevent driving related deaths and if there are more precautions taken to prevent these incidents then the road would be a lot safer for not only new drivers but for experienced drivers as well. Through better and more education on driver safety and a refresh of safety throughout the years people driving would better allow for safer roads and less vehicle accidents for all.