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Driver Education Round 1 – In the driver’s seat

Name: Alex
Votes: 0

In the driver’s seat

Driving has become a way of life in the USA. In many other countries people, including teenagers, live their lives never having learned to drive. However, in the USA many people live in the communities that are not within walking distance of the places they need to go on a daily basis. The public transportation system in many communities is lacking. Therefore, many people have to learn to drive as they turn 16 to get themselves to all the places they need to go. Driver’s education has become an important program to teach young people how to drive safely and responsibly. Knowing the basics of driving techniques, of what to do in all situations on the road and how to avoid accidents reduces accidents and subsequent deaths. Driver’s education course is an important part of everybody’s learning when they start to drive. One of the ways the driver’s education instructors are instrumental in this process is taking the learners on multiple drives, meanwhile teaching them what to watch out for, what to do and not to do on the road and observing their students’ skills and reactions. A large part of that education also happens through in-class instruction where students learn the basic laws and rules of the road and driving.

Deaths due to traffic accidents are devastating to all involved because they are often preventable. Many accidents on the roads are caused by distracted driving. Cell phones have become almost as important in our society as food and water. Many people can’t see themselves leaving the house without their cell phone. Unfortunately, cell phones have also become a major cause of distracted driving. Many people can’t control themselves when they get notifications on their phones and they feel like they have to check the messages and answer them right away. Unfortunately, this is the result of the “here and now” mentality that has overtaken our society. Many people feel like that can’t wait to address whatever messages are coming through on their phones. Tragically, looking at the phone while driving is one of the most common causes of accidents and some of these wrecks become fatal. It seems like the solution to prevent deaths on the roads should be simple. All that the drivers have to do in this situation is refrain from looking at their phone while driving. This can be accomplished by putting the phone in the glovebox compartment or in the bag for the duration of the drive. A

Another major cause of deaths on the road is drunk or impaired driving. A lot of national attention has been brought to this problem and there are specific laws in place that help to reduce deaths due to impaired driving. However, at the end of the day, it all comes down to personal responsibility of every driver on the road. If all people took personal responsibility and stopped driving under the influence, deaths due to impaired driving would be greatly reduced if not completely eliminated. Continuous education and reminders about impaired driving are imperative to eliminating deaths due to impaired driving.

There are also other distractions that ail many drivers, such as eating while driving, applying makeup, talking to other people in the car, and listening to music too loudly, which prevents hearing what’s going on outside the car. Drivers should also be aware of these distractions, which are not as commonly talked about as impaired driving or distraction by cell phone.

Fortunately, I haven’t personally been in any accidents yet. My family has taught me to pay attention to the road and to avoid distractions to the best of my ability. Ever since I started driving at 15 years old and had a parent in the car with me at all times, I have been taught to always pay attention to the road and to be aware of what other vehicles on the road are doing. I believe it is called defensive driving where I always try to be aware of the location of other vehicles on the roads and to be ready to respond if a scary situation arises. I have been fortunate that both of my parents are very responsible drivers and they have taught me to drive responsibly as well.

Some of the steps I can continue to take to be a safe driver are putting my phone away while on the road and don’t check messages until I’m parked, don’t drive when tired, don’t eat or drink while driving if these activities will make me take my eyes off the road, don’t talk to other people in the car if it will distract me, and always make sure I can hear what’s going on outside of the car by turning my music down.

I have 3 younger siblings and I plan to teach them these safe driving techniques as well, as I help them learn how to drive and navigate the world of driving.