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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driver’s Education is Best For All

Name: Jayla Herring
From: Dekalb, Illinois
Votes: 0

Driver’s Education is Best For All

When thinking of how many people die or get hurt in car accidents, I think that driver’s education is very important. This is a very essential educational experience that new drivers need to go through. There are so many things to watch out for when driving on these roads, and it is important to have someone to teach you how to maneuver within them. Driver’s Education is a program that teaches you the fundamentals of driving and it is a very important part of learning how to drive.

When I think about my personal experience in driver’s education, I remember how excited I was to be in it. I felt like this was a new chapter in my life. Driver’s education was important because it taught me the basics of driving like how to go forward, reverse, turn, etc. It also taught me the different laws of driving within my state. Although learning how to drive comes from just getting a feel and constantly doing it, it is very important to know the basic rules of the road and how to properly perform turns and everything else. Driver’s education helps to reduce the number of deaths that come from driving because it gives people the proper information on how to work the vehicle to avoid such things. An example of this would be, slowing down when it is wet outside. Slowing down when it is wet outside is something that I first learned from my instructor in driver’s ed. I’m now aware that these instructions were given to me to stop me from getting into a habit of speeding in a wet environment, which can cause hydroplaning. Hydroplaning is bad because it is possible to spin uncontrollably, killing yourself and/or others.

After thinking about the number of deaths that occur from driving, there are a few steps that can be taken to lower this number. One thing that I notice a lot on the roadways is people speeding. This is very dangerous, as it can not only affect the person doing the speeding, but other people around them who have nothing to do with it as well. If a lot of people took the time to just slow down, a lot of accidents can be avoided. This can be traded off with leaving out a little bit earlier, if you are in a rush. I know a lot of people speed because they are running late to their destination or are trying to zoom through traffic because it is slowing them down. The risk on people’s lives that comes with speeding is not worth it. One other step that people can take to lower the amount of driving deaths is to not drink and drive. Alcohol is known to alter your mind and consciousness. This is unsafe for the person drinking and others as well. I have noticed that it is very common to see a drunk driving incident where the drunk person crashes into victims and makes it out alive, but kills the innocent people in the next car. This is a very sad situation that can be avoided if people would just not drink and drive. It is important to have a designated driver who can take over the vehicle, if you must get into a car. These are just a couple of steps that people can take to lower the amount of deaths that result from driving.

As far as me being a safe driver, I do everything that I can to drive safely. This includes not driving when I am really sleepy, not drinking and driving, not texting and driving, looking out for how others around me are driving, etc. There are a number of things that I try to be cautious of when on the road. When seeing how many people die or get severely hurt in accidents, it is not something that I want to encounter. I have had experience with one minor accident as a passenger on the expressway. A lady behind us was on her phone and not paying attention to the slowed traffic and hit our car from the back. Although we were not severely hurt, I still experienced some whiplash and had to get treated at an urgent care center later that day. This was not a fun experience at all. I have also witnessed a cousin of mine die from a drunk driving incident. He was intoxicated and decided to speed off in his car and it ended with him crashing into a pole that split up his car. This was a very tragic event and it is something that will affect the way I drive forever.

In conclusion, driver’s education is very important in society. There are a lot of bad things that can take place while out on the roadways. A driver’s education program helps new drivers learn the fundamentals of what it takes to drive safe. It is a known fact that lots of people die everyday in bad car accidents. Learning how to drive safely through this program can reduce the number of deaths and lower all the risks being taken.