Drivers Ed 2022 Round 3
Questions to be answered in your essay/application
- What is the importance of driver education in reducing the number deaths as a result of driving?
- What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?
- Have you ever had an experience of being in car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly?
- What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road?
2022 Drivers Ed Contest
Apply for the 2022 Drivers Ed Online Contest Round 3
Essay Submissions
by Talia Marie Rodriguez

In a small town in Wisconsin, people think that bad things will not happen to them...Until they do. Decisions made when they are younger impact the rest of their lives.
by Catalina Collazos

An essay about what we can do to influence the teen of today, the possible responsible drivers of tomorrow.
by Riley Jackson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that nine people in the United Sates are killed every day in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver. Driving is a privilege that many take for granted. It is a privilege that can and should be revoked if traffic laws are not obeyed. Drivers education is a critical component in reducing the number of deaths each year caused by vehicle accidents. It is our responsibility to learn to drive successfully and responsibly and to educate others when we see them not following vehicle safety. Through drivers education and keeping our peers accountable, we can work together to lower the annual death rate due to vehicle related accidents. One mistake can alter someone’s life forever.
by Lincoln Schuler

A car accident solidifies my belief that parent-taught driver's education is not sufficient. Competent, engaged drivers are made through solid driver's education with qualified instructors.
by Conner Blake Vess

Reducing the number of driving deaths each year begins with our driver's education classes. New drivers need more time behind the wheel to improve their driving skills.
by Greer Worley

The need for continuing education classes for all drivers, especially teenage drivers and the deadly consequences for distracted drivers.

this essay is a reflection about our diving education, how to prevent accidents and find the best way to get home safe and sound .
by Kevonn Grant

Many are the variables and factors that influence the occurrence of a motor vehicular accident. The good news is that some of those variables and factors are predictable, and therefore avoidable. The challenge though is that a lack of knowledge of these controllable variables and factors means that we are less likely to prevent motor crashes and fatalities. This essay explores how "knowledge" as a driver can save the lives of their passenger(s), other drivers, and pedestrians by applying three of an unexhaustive list of habits, namely learning about: hydroplanes; the risk of a multi-tasking driver; being "your driver's keeper"; the impact of vehicle maintenance.
by Rita Elya

Save lives. Hold your attention focused and keep your eyes on the road. The unimaginable can happen in a split second. While driving, we make many choices and these choices have consequences. While driving, we are in charge of not only our safety but the safety of others too. How can we make our driving prudent? Driver education is simple but have a huge impact. It teaches several skills, norms, attitude and respect. Proper driver education can lead to safe driving habits that can reduce the number of deaths related to driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2021 there was almost 43000 fatalities from motor vehicles accidents up 10% from 2020. Can we avoid these fatalities? The answer is absolutely. Driver education have several benefits. It can teach the driver the rules of the road, instruct basic mechanical knowledge about vehicles, provide awareness of the impact drugs and alcohol can have on drivers and can reduce your insurance costs Every day, more than 200 million people’s lives are affected by driving. Most motor vehicles accidents are preventable. Several steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving: 1) All passengers need to wear their seatbelts, get the habits of buckling up as soon as you get in the car. In 2020, according to the United States Department of Transportation, 51% of passengers’ vehicles occupants who were not wearing the seatbelts properly were killed. 2) Do not get behind the wheel if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates 29 deaths every day in the United States that involve a driver under the alcohol influence. If you are impaired or under the influence of a drug, have somebody else drive. 3) Do not speed. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2020, speeding was a contributing factor in 29% of traffic deaths, killing 11,258 people. 4) Assess risks and watch out for other drivers. Preventative maintenance can keep your car operating safely. 5) Put your phone away. Avoid distractors like cell phone, friends, and food. In the United States, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9 people are killed every day in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver. Teenagers, like me, are involved the most in texting while driving. 6) Be careful during bad weather. During inclement weather, drive slower, turn on the lights, and go easy on the brakes to better control the vehicle. 7) Be adherent to lane driving and leave plenty of space between you and the car in front. 8) Assume pedestrians are everywhere. 9) Be alert and share the road with cyclists. Finally, 10) look for hazards, brake lights, and turn signals. I have never been in a car accident but one of my friends has. Seeing her laying in the hospital bed, in the Critical Care Unit was a shock for me. All the noise, the tubes, the lines, and the monitors made me stupefied. She had a tube in her mouth connected to a ventilator. The nurse told me that she is sedated. Confused, here I am, having a flash back of all the memories we had together. Apparently, it was a huge accident. I asked myself: Was she texting? Was she talking on the phone? Was she checking her account on social media? Was she speeding? Was she sleepy? Was she wearing her seat belt? Will she wake up? Will she be ok? Was all this avoidable? For nights I had nightmares. Thinking about her and about her parents. Thinking about her life after the accident, the sequelae, the immeasurable burden on her family. After going through a couple of surgeries, she had a long recovery. Months in the hospital and several in the rehabilitation center, my friend froze her life for almost a year. Education is the most powerful weapon to reduce motor vehicles deaths. To be a better driver, I need to complete the driver education lessons and get as much as practice driving as possible. Before driving I need to adjust my seat, select my music, read my e mail, and answer texts. While I am driving, I need to eliminate all distractors and I shouldn’t multitask. I will pull over if I need to reach something. I need to obey to the speed limit as speeding is a major factor in traffic deaths. To be a better driver, I must be aware of my surroundings and have the right attitude.
by Savana Marble

This essay discusses the importance of safe and defensive driving through the use of a personal experience of an accident, horrifying statistics, and facts stating the dangers in reckless driving.
by Layla Hallett

A 1,623 word essay on driver safety.
by betzaida melendez estrada

This essay answers the questions given with their responses and a full explanation to back up my response. A young drivers life is important, we too young to risk our lives.
by Veronica Barnhill

Being behind the wheel of a vehicle is a great responsibility. When driving, you have to make split second decisions that have the ability to rip a person away from their family if you are not cautious. In America, driver education needs to be addressed far more vigorously to reduce the number of accident related fatalities and injuries.
by Holly Best

Many people die from car accidents, and some may be caused by inadequate knowledge about driving or being under the influence of alcohol. Learning the proper and correct ways to drive is important before getting behind the wheel and setting off for new locations.
by Juanisse Gascot Reyes

I discuss how only presenting accident statistics during driver's ed might be counteractive because it lessens the impact of people who lost their lives to irresponsible driving and turns them into mere numbers.
by Attie Hawkes

It is so important to be responsible while your driving because all it takes is a few seconds for everything to go wrong.
by Bin Huang

Today's world of driving is dangerous with all the distractions that teens have at their disposa. In my essay, I analyze ways that Driver's Education can help teens overcome this and boost their self-esteem so they can have an safe and memorable driving experience.
by Emma Vacca

Driving is a huge responsibility, and I don't think a lot of teenagers realize that. Having been in a car crash myself (as a passenger) I know how important driving safety and drivers' education is.
by Caelynn Rees-Jorgensen

This essay describes the impact taking a driver's education class had on me and how it needs to be incorporated into all school's curriculum. Additionally, it describes topics revolving around driver's education and how they should be addressed in schools.
by Jali Ballantyne

Experience a car crash where I'm the driver and take aways in what I have learned.
by Cecilia Daddino

This essay focuses on driving age limits and safety on the road.
by Braydon Schoeffling

Leave it to human beings, the dumbest (yet smartest) species in the world, to incorporate dangerous tasks into their everyday lives. Driving and transportation is a necessity in today's society, but how can we address the dangers of driving while working to make transportation more accessible and less deadly?
by Abigail Hannon

My essay describes the importance of driving safe, the safer we drive the less people that lose their life driving. Together we can make a change for the better.
by Lenzie Buller

Taking driver’s ed allowed me to practice driving on the road with a clear understanding of the rules and safety measures ahead of time, rather than learning them on the go.
by Paola Gomez

This essay is about the importance of precaution. A driver can never be too careful in being prepared for any given circumstance. If every driver were to practice precaution while being behind the wheel we can prevent fatalities.
by Daleen Alawad

The tragic experience that I went through with my whole family when we first came to the U.S. It was caused by an irresponsible driver who was drunk and not following the speed limit. This accident affected me mentally, and my father physically, as he experienced left leg pain and still receiving physical therapy for it.
by Jillian Bucci

There are many distractions on the road, but safe decisions can be made if we prevent these distractions. In the essay, a few distractions are listed as well as an example of a car accident and the mistakes that led to the accident, followed by suggestions to prevent harm in the future.
by Annabelle Stetina

It is a warm sunny afternoon. I am in the car with my mom on the way to pick up my siblings from school. We are driving on a road that we drive on every day, multiple times a day. My mom is good about keeping to the speed limit because she says this reminds me how she expects me to drive.