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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Why Safe Driving Is So Important

Name: Leila Staker
From: Yorkville, IL
Votes: 0

Why Safe Driving Is So Important

Being a teenager, means that I have learned quite a bit about driving very recently, and the dangers associated with being behind the wheel. During my sophomore year of high school, I took a drivers’ education course that focused mostly on the rules of the road, however safe driving was also a topic that was covered. The class taught me a lot and allowed me to become a safe driver. I believe myself as well as others could always improve their driving skills, especially when those skills have a large impact on safety on the road. This is why I believe drivers’ education courses are crucial to overall safety of everyone on the road.

Drivers’ education courses are important to all students as well as adults who are learning how to drive as this could greatly reduce the amount of deaths from driving. These courses prepare students for potential threats while behind the wheel, as well as how to avoid these threats in the first place. As a result of taking a driving course, I was able to better prepare myself for potential dangers on the road. Without having taken this course, I do not think I would understand how to avoid dangers in the snow and ice, which I have to drive in a lot now, as I am from Illinois. The course taught me what to do when my tires spin or I skid on the road, skills I will never forget. This course can and will continue to teach about the avoidable dangers on the road, how to deal with those dangers when they do arise, and reduce the overall amount of deaths as a result of driving.

To reduce the amount of deaths as a result of driving, people should pay more attention to their surroundings, not get behind the wheel while under the influence, and never text and drive. Paying close attention to surrounding can allow one to avoid potential hazards on the road like animals or other cars, preventing avoidable collisions, injuries, and deaths. Not paying attention while driving can cause someone to collide with another car or object, potentially deadly accidents. Another point to bring up is that, driving under the influence or while texting are two of the major causes of deaths on the road, and they can easily be prevented by making smart decisions, before getting in the car and while in the car. Since both of these actions are very dangerous, it should be a no brainer to never text or be under the influence behind the wheel, however many still make this potentially life ending decision, without even thinking twice about it.

I have personally never been in a car accident and hope I never am, however I have, on several occasions seen people I know drive irresponsibly, while I was in the car. My friend once was driving almost 20 miles per hour over the speed limit while going on her phone to change music or respond to snapchats on her phone. I did not really even know what to say, we had not known each other very long, so I felt slightly uncomfortable critiquing her driving, even though I felt unsafe with her behind the wheel at the time. I did not say anything, instead I just paid very close attention to the road. Knowing what I know now, I definitely should have said something and would in the future. I hope that others can do the same, because not only should everyone feel comfortable in the passenger seat, but they should also be safe and take the steps to make the road a safe place for all drivers and passengers.

There are many steps I can take to be a safer driver. One thing I catch myself doing often is glancing at my phone while at stop lights. I am not proud of it nor would I ever condone it, however I have done it. I believe that ending that pattern would result in me being a much safer and much more responsible driver. To do this, I plan to put my phone somewhere where I cannot see it, therefore will not be tempted to look at. Another step I can take is, limiting distractions while driving, like eating or having an in depth conversation with someone in the passenger seat. This would allow me to stay as focussed as I can be, resulting in safer driving. I believe others could also implement these steps in their lives to help themselves become safer drivers as well. There are many steps to be taken to make the roads safer, but my implementing all of these different strategies, I believe the roads can become safer one driver at a time.