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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Steps Towards Becoming a Better and Safer Driver: Promoting Road Safety for All

Name: Robert Dwyer
From: Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Votes: 35

Steps Towards Becoming a Better and Safer Driver: Promoting Road Safety for All

Road safety is a shared responsibility that requires individual commitment to safe driving practices. By taking proactive measures, drivers can enhance their own skills while promoting safer behaviors among others. This essay explores the steps individuals can take to become better and safer drivers, emphasizing the importance of personal development and advocating for road safety. The discussion is supported by relevant references and citations.

To become a better driver, ongoing education and skill development are essential. Enrolling in defensive driving courses can enhance knowledge of traffic laws, improve hazard recognition, and teach effective defensive driving techniques (Haigney, 2020). Additionally, staying updated on the latest road safety guidelines, technology, and best practices helps drivers adapt to changing road conditions and improve their decision-making abilities (NHTSA, 2018).

Distracted driving is a significant contributor to road accidents. Drivers should make a conscious effort to eliminate distractions while behind the wheel. This includes refraining from using mobile phones, adjusting music or climate controls, eating, or engaging in other activities that divert attention from the road (CDC, 2021). Utilizing hands-free devices for communication and setting up GPS or other navigation systems before driving can help reduce distractions.

Defensive driving is a proactive approach that aims to prevent accidents by anticipating and responding to potential hazards. It involves maintaining a safe following distance, obeying traffic laws, and being aware of other drivers’ actions (American Safety Council, n.d.). By adopting defensive driving techniques such as scanning the road, anticipating potential risks, and staying focused, drivers can mitigate the likelihood of collisions and promote overall road safety.

Speeding is a leading cause of road accidents. Following posted speed limits and traffic regulations is crucial for ensuring personal safety and the safety of others on the road. Driving within the designated speed limits allows drivers to maintain control of their vehicles, react appropriately to unexpected situations, and reduce the severity of potential accidents (NHTSA, 2019).

Impaired driving, whether due to alcohol, drugs, or fatigue, poses a significant risk to road safety. Drivers must avoid getting behind the wheel when under the influence of substances that impair judgment, coordination, and reaction time. If alcohol consumption is necessary, opting for alternative transportation, such as designated drivers or ride-hailing services, can prevent impaired driving incidents (NHTSA, 2021). It is also essential to recognize signs of fatigue and take breaks or share driving responsibilities on long journeys to stay alert.

Maintaining a vehicle in good working condition is crucial for both personal safety and the safety of others on the road. Regular inspections, maintenance, and addressing any necessary repairs ensure that essential components such as brakes, tires, lights, and signals are functioning properly (NHTSA, 2020). Maintaining optimal visibility through clean windshields, mirrors, and headlights also contributes to safe driving.

Beyond personal driving practices, individuals can actively contribute to a safer road environment by promoting road safety among their peers and community. This can include discussing safe driving habits with friends and family, sharing information on social media, and participating in campaigns or initiatives aimed at raising awareness about road safety (WHO, 2021). By encouraging others to adopt safe driving behaviors, the collective impact on road safety can be significant.

One of the most effective ways to promote safer driving is to lead by example. By consistently following safe driving practices, adhering to traffic laws, and demonstrating patience and courtesy towards other road users, drivers can influence others positively (CDC, 2021). Displaying responsible driving behavior sets a standard for others to emulate and contributes to an overall culture of safety on the roads.

Becoming a better and safer driver requires a commitment to personal development, adherence to traffic regulations, and active promotion of road safety. By continuously educating oneself, practicing defensive driving, avoiding distractions and impaired driving, and adhering to speed limits and traffic regulations, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of accidents. Furthermore, taking proactive steps to maintain vehicles, promoting road safety among peers, and leading by example contribute to creating a safer road environment for all.


  1. American Safety Council. (n.d.). Defensive Driving Techniques. Retrieved from

  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2021). Distracted Driving. Retrieved from

  3. Haigney, D. (2020). How to Become a Better Driver: 7 Skills You Can Learn. The Zebra.

Retrieved from

  1. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). (2018). Driving Skills for Life. Retrieved from

  2. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). (2019). Speeding. Retrieved from

  3. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). (2020). Vehicle Maintenance.

Retrieved from

  1. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). (2021). Impaired Driving:

Get the Facts. Retrieved from

  1. World Health Organization (WHO). (2021). Road Safety. Retrieved from