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2023 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Safety Scholarship

Name: Cira Doshi
From: Oviedo, Florida
Votes: 0

Driving Safety Scholarship

Driving is a very important skill in today’s society. If you can’t drive, it would be very difficult to perform everyday tasks when needed or wanted. There are many ways that people define a vehicle, whether it be a tool to get from point A to point B, or a form of transportation. Either way, one must acknowledge the fact that driving a car can be dangerous, both for the driver and for those surrounding it.

Before anyone gets their driver’s license, they have to go through a test to see if they could drive in the first place. This is a huge factor in the driving world because, obviously, if someone were to only take the paper test, one would not be able to properly analyze their practical driving skills. Which is why the actual driving test is needed.

This is why actual driving education is so important. You have to practice driving before you take the test, and this would help build up the skill to be able to properly drive in public. If you have a basic understanding on how to drive and driver’s safety, then that’s already a big step to becoming a safe driver. Not to mention, understanding laws and the reason they were put in place is also a big step in being a safe driver. This includes speeding limits, intersection lights, and even laws regarding emergency vehicles.

Not only is understanding those topics important, being able to properly read a situation on the road and reacting is too. Which is why actual driving education is crucial to learning how to drive. Gaining driver’s experience, alongside the advice of a licensed driver, gives the learner good insight on things to look out for, such as where walkways are, how to handle driving in small areas, and general tips on driving.

Some steps that could be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving would be encouraging good driving practices, encouraging road awareness, and even encouraging pedestrians to be more careful when driving.

If everyone were to practice good driving habits, then there would be no vehicle accidents. However not everyone does. So, the best thing to try and do in these situations would be to avoid the accident. If someone notices a reckless driver, they should try to keep a distance, for example. There have been many cases where I’ve had to slow down and provide distance from a car who had been driving dangerously. It was because of this habit that I learned that I was able to avoid a crash when, for instance, they pressed on the breaks suddenly.

Not only that, but road awareness if very important as well. If I stop and stare at every billboard that I pass on the highway, I would have gotten into twenty accidents in just half an hour. One must focus on the road and be able to observe one’s surroundings. Focus on the cars in front of you, next to you, behind you, and even the environment miles ahead of you.

Awareness of your surroundings can literally save your life. Even when not driving. Which is why the habit should always be with you no matter where you are.

Encouraging pedestrians to be safe is also a good way to avoid accidents. Sometimes, it’s not the driver that is at fault but someone walking. Walking on sidewalks, crossing at crosswalks, and even keeping an eye out for cars when there are no walking signs are great ways to avoid being in a car accident.

I have been in a car accident myself, however, I was a passenger at the time. The main reason why the car accident happened in the first place was because the car did not have its backlights on at night. Which is why the person who was driving had hit him. There were no streetlights in the vicinity either, which only added to the lack of vision due to the darkness.

If the person in that car had his backlights on, then we wouldn’t have hit him due to seeing him. The only reason we weren’t able to see him either was because he was around a corner and wasn’t able to detect the car until the last moment, in which it was too late.

I have also seen other family members drive irresponsibly. One of my relatives has this habit where he always drives super close behind the vehicle in front of him. My mother has always drilled it into me to drive a safe distance behind other cars. Yet he seems to do the opposite. Fortunately, he never got into an accident because of this and is also getting rid of the habit thanks to my mom.

Which brings into the question on how one can continue to practice safe driving and encourage others to do so as well. You never stop learning and that also applies to driving on the road. There are so many driving environments ranging from close city roads to the open country.

Being able to drive in these completely different ranges can be very useful. Driving experience helps so much with how well you can drive. If you don’t drive often, then you wouldn’t be able to gain enough driving experience to do it skillfully. When you do drive often, your reaction skills and observations skills are sharpened. You’re able to judge distances better, be able to better analyze your surroundings with other vehicles and the environment better, and also understand how far the moments from your car at a certain speed can affect how much you need to brake.

Helping others drive safely is also a wonderful way to promote this as well. Giving tips to new drivers, and old drivers alike. Guiding new drivers is a good method to promoting driver safety. Not only that, but maintaining a good driving environment as a passenger is a great way to do so as well. Driving with intense emotions such as anger can be dangerous, so being able to calm down a situation is a great way to promote diver safety.

In conclusion, driver’s safety is very important. People’s lives can be in danger if one were to not drive a vehicle properly. Which is why it’s crucial to pass the initial exam and learn about how to drive in different environments easily. Taking advice from experienced drivers is a great way to start, and having proper special awareness is nothing but necessary.