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Driver Education 2020 – Why I Pledge to be a Safe Driver, Always

Name: Sophia S Deckard
From: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Votes: 1

Why I Pledge to be a Safe Driver, Always

Sophia (Sammy)


Education Initiative Essay:
Why I Pledge to be a Safe Driver,

When I was young,
just under a year old, my parents got into a car accident. Given my
age, I don’t remember many details about the accident or what
happened. However, I do remember my family had to go to the hospital
to be checked out. The only reason I remember this is because the
ladies at the hospital had given me a baby gown to wear as pajamas
the night we were there and, after the accident, it became one of my
favorite things to sleep in. All three of us were fine, no major
injuries thank god, but it really puts into perspective how fast
things can change in life. I could’ve died in a car accident before
I even had the chance to live a life outside of a baby crib. Look at
all of the things I could’ve missed had the car accident been

The fact that I am
applying for this application means that I have at least made it to
18 years old. My high school graduation is 111 days away, but who’s
counting? In my 18 years of existence, I have picked up 5
instruments and sang in 3 different choirs. My passion for music
started the moment I was born and I haven’t stopped loving it
since. My plan for the next 4-5 years of my life that I have
graciously been given is to attend Ball State University and major in
Music Education. After the accident, my parents bought a new car
which I now drive today. This car has taken me so many places ranging
between school and Disney World. This car has taken me to every
practice, rehearsal, and performance that I’ve ever had. This car
has brought all 3 of my younger siblings home, taken me on dates with
my boyfriend, birthday parties for my friends, and so many other
places in-between.

I’ve been many,
many places in my life, meaning I’ve spent a decent portion of my
life riding in my mom’s old 2003 Honda Pilot. At any point, we
could’ve gotten into another car accident. It is so important for
me to be a safe driver so I can visit even more places, go to even
more rehearsals, visit my boyfriend when he’s home from the
military, and so much more. I pledge to always be a safe driver
because there are so many things I have not yet done. I myself have
only been driving for 2 years and every day I see horrible drivers
and I get angry. Why does spinning doughnuts in the high school
parking lot more important than your diploma? Why does shoving
yourself into traffic matter more than your family at home? Why does
running through the red lights matter more than all of the progress
you’ve made thus far in your life? Someday, I hope other people
will come to the same realization that I did 18 years ago. Yes,
making it on time to work, school, and events will always be
important but drive smart. NOTHING is worth more than you.