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Driver Education 2020 – A Few Seconds

Name: Grace Walker
From: Winchester, CA
Votes: 70

A Few Seconds

Ed Online

Drivers Ed Online Essay Contest

Few Seconds

By: Grace Walker, Age 18

that you are driving on the freeway. In the far right lane, going
65mph, you see that your lane is merging into the lane to the left of
you. You learned about this is driving school and it is not uncommon.
You turn on your left blinker, check your mirrors, peak over your
shoulder, and merge. This is nothing new to you, as you change lanes
everyday that you drive. Suddenly, you see something in your rearview
mirror. The car that was behind you in the right lane has smashed
directly into the car that had been driving innocently in the left
lane. The car from the right lane did not use their turn signal, and
now the drivers are both left unconscious, the cars are ravaged,
glass is on the ground. You pull off to the side of the road in a
panic and dial 911. Crying, you thank God that it wasn’t you. Had
it happened only seconds prior, it could have been.

education is extremely important in reducing the number of deaths as
a result of driving. In this specific accident, had the driver of the
guilty car simply put on his blinker, lives may have been saved.
Cases like this happen each and every day, due to small, careless
mistakes of drivers. We all get on the road with confidence,
thinking that we are invincible, that if we forget the blinker one
time, what could happen? Well, perhaps this driver was thinking the
same thing, but something did happen. You can never be too cautious
behind the wheel. By educating drivers not to be too careless and to
follow all traffic laws, even minuscule ones that may seem
insignificant, we could prevent accidents like these from occurring
and taking lives.

multitude of ideas have been presented in an attempt to reduce the
number of deaths related to driving. One idea that I believe to be
superior is the idea of retaking license tests. We are all eligible
to get our license at age 16 in the United States, but 70 years could
go by and we will never have had to be tested again after passing
once. As people age, we tend to have weakened hearing, eyesight, or
forget things. All of these changes that occur due to age could
seriously impact one’s ability to drive, and perhaps lead to the
cause of a fatal accident. If we had to retake our license tests,
perhaps every 5-10 years, we could prevent unsafe drivers from being
on the roads.

age 15, I had my permit. I was an eager driver and always begged my
parents to let me drive everywhere. I was only about a month away
from earning my license when I went to a concert with my parents.
They did not let me drive because we were taking the Lexus, the
“luxury” car of the family. During the concert my parents drank.
They did not drink excessively, but I was definitely wary of letting
them drive us home afterwards. As my Dad got into the driver’s seat
after the show, I asked if I could drive. He said no, because I did
not have my license yet and this was the luxury car. I proceeded to
ask again, and reminded him that he had been drinking. He promised me
that he was okay, and proceeded to drive us home. We ended up getting
there safely, but I was still beyond shaken because I was nervous the
entire ride. I thought that, although the outcome was safe, the
decision to drive was irresponsible on my father’s part. I vowed
never to drink and drive once I got my license.

be a better and safer driver, I always follow the rules of the road.
Whether it be using my blinker at all times, stopping at stop signs,
yielding to pedestrians, etc. I follow even the smallest of traffic
laws to ensure my own safety and the safety of others. It is better
to be overly cautious than to be careless. To help others become
safer on the road, I always remind my friends and family to follow
traffic laws, as well. If my mom is driving me somewhere and she
doesn’t put her turn signal on, I will speak up about it. As a
passenger, it is important to call out your driver of any mistakes.
This will lead them to remember your warnings even when you are not

we can do our best to be safe on the road, what happens beyond our
own vehicle is beyond our control. It is best to always be aware of
your surroundings and take all precautions necessary to provide for
our own safety. Don’t let a few seconds of carelessness ruin your
own life, or somebody else’s. Drive safe.