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Driver Education Initiative – The Importance of the Education of Driving

Name: Roberto Olide-Sandoval
From: El Cajon, California
Votes: 0



9, 2019

Importance of the Education of Driving

is a lot of responsibility to take when you are behind the wheel. In
many cases, people who are not cautious might end up losing their
life or taking one. It is very important for both adults and teens to
understand the importance to find ways of educating themselves before
they do a mistake that they will regret for the rest of their lives.
To go on, a very common belief in teens is that by being able to
drive, they have the freedom to do whatever they want including
driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol or speeding. Others
might also be distracted by a phone which unfortunately causes
irreversible mistakes. For adults, many have road rage which causes
them to do things they would wish they had not. To go on, other
adults do go through the same problems that teens go through when
driving which were already mentioned.

steps to be able to reduce the number of deaths is starting at home,
parents have a lot of power to control and inform their children of
these dangers. Someways include putting them in driving classes or
request any other driving program where they can learn how many of
their actions have bad effects. Also, they could make their children
take drug tests every month and put consequences to reduce the
chances of them getting a DUI. Teens should also be encouraged to
find help if they have any substance problem and do not want to talk
to their parents. In the same way, If an adult knows he/she has
raging problems, is best to find help with a therapist or
psychologist that could help them with that so you are less to
endanger yours or someone else life. Also, for adults is also best to
be aware of your surroundings and know your limit in general.

have personally have seen a car crash on where the driver got mad of
a person cutting in front of him and he decided to go on the next
lane that goes the opposite way to try to get in front of him again.
Unfortunately, he didn’t saw that there was a car coming and both of
them crashed. The only good news from this incident is that there
were no deaths involved but something I thought about is that one of
them might of never made it home and leave everything he/she had
behind. This was very scary to see and is one of the reasons I do not
dare to be behind a wheel. If I ever do though some precautions I’m
going to take is to never get my eyes off the road and never be under
the influence of any substance. Lastly, I do believe this is a very
serious topic and hopefully others too, in no way should a family
suffer for the death of a loved one if the mistake could have been