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Helping The Ones In Need

Name: Jeremiah I Godwin
Votes: 0

  1. How
    has the John Champe High School CHARGE (Character, Honesty and
    Respect Generate Excellence) school motto shaped who you are today
    and apply to your future personal and educational goals?

tell you a little bit about myself, I am an active volunteer in
my high school’s Campus Program, local churches, and the community.
Some of my contributions include volunteering in the youth ministry
at my church to assist with greeting and ushering; working in the
community’s food pantry by stocking shelves and food sorting;
running 5k races for charity; and giving back to the elementary
school through the school beautification program. By the end of my
senior year, I will have contributed over 100 hours of documented
Champion Volunteer Hours. As a student, I am dedicated, disciplined,
and welcome the challenge of becoming a better version of myself on a
daily basis. I want to give back to the University that I choose to
go to and try to make it a better place for those around me and those
who come after.

  1. What
    life experiences and challenges have you overcome in achieving your
    education (i.e. financial, personal, medical, etc.)?


I was in the eighth grade, at the end of the year, my mother told me
that we were going to move from Sterling, Virginia to South Riding,
Virginia. Even though it’s still the same state this meant that my
first year of high school, I was going to be in a new environment
with different people. That was devastating since I had no friends
coming into John Champe that would motivate me into working hard in
class. After the first three months I learned to accept the new
changes and started getting involved in the school to meet new
people. Since I’m very social and outgoing I meet new people that
would assist me in my classes if I needed help on an assignment. Also
getting connected with the teachers helped me get to understand the
material and ask for help from my teachers if needed.