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Giving back to children

Name: Lauren Kelso
From: Rapid City , South Dakota
Votes: 0

have always found it important to volunteer with America’s youth.
Since I was 14, I started by volunteering at a local boy scout camp.
There I taught important life lessons, such as teamwork, hard work,
and sustainability of our planet. There I have taught boys on how
to give back and be leaders in their own communities. I have done
that now for five summers and will be going back for my sixth summer
come 2019. My goal there has always been to make a difference in
those little kids lives. I also continue to work with kids in
college through the big brothers, big sisters’ program. The
program, campus kids, gives opportunities to kids whose families are
not well off to have opportunities to have strong role models as well
as give them an extracurriculars to look forward to. Furthermore,
many of the kids come from broken or unstable homes so the hours
spent with them give them joy and excitement in their week. Overall,
I feel that it is important to help children grow and become leaders
of tomorrow. As I help shape children into well educated, kind,
caring members of society. In doing this it will not only make their
lives better, but it teaches them to give back and make differences
in their own communities. My goal is to always be involved with
working with children. In doing so I will continue to pursue my
passion of working with kids. Also, once I have an income, I will
donate money as well as the weekly hours. In total I have over 4,000
community service hours already dedicated to giving back to children
and have the plan for many more.