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Online Georgia Drivers Ed Testing: As Easy as Riding a Bike

Online Georgia Drivers Ed Testing: As Easy as Riding a Bike

You probably know how to ride a bike. Yes? You just jump on, and off you go. Simple, really. Except that it wasn’t so simple when you first started to learn. There is an old expression about something that is simple that says “Easy as falling off a bike”. Falling Off...
Atlanta Drivers Education Courses: Look Online, Atlanta

Atlanta Drivers Education Courses: Look Online, Atlanta

However you do it, the GA Department of Driver Services says that you have to have 30 hours of drivers’ ed in addition to your 40 hours of practical driving if you want to get your intermediate license at age 16. If you don’t take a drivers’ ed course, you have to...
Georgia’s Joshua’s Law: Good Out of Tragedy

Georgia’s Joshua’s Law: Good Out of Tragedy

There are times when something bad can lead to something good. Joshua’s Law is a very good example of this. Joshua Brown lost his life in 2003 in a road accident. As a result, his parents rallied with legislators in a call for stronger driver training laws. In 2005,...
1st Steps towards a Georgia Drivers Permit: Take it

1st Steps towards a Georgia Drivers Permit: Take it

Ain’t that the truth? The Chinese have a saying that a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Nothing could be more true. It doesn’t matter whether the journey is a thousand miles, one mile, round the world, or even just down the road to the convenience...
Atlanta Drivers Education Courses: Look Online, Atlanta

Talking to Your (Georgia) Parents about Driving

You’ve heard about the talk. You know, the talk? Often in a movie, or in a book, a parent will sit down with the child, and they’ll have the talk. It can be a little awkward, especially in this day and age in which today’s teenagers seem to know so...
Teen Drinking and Teen Driving in Georgia: Not a Good Combo!

Teen Drinking and Teen Driving in Georgia: Not a Good Combo!

Our online drivers education course at GA Driver Safety.Org covers every aspect of safe driving on the roads in Georgia, including the laws about drinking and driving. Being caught drinking and driving has some serious consequences, and the simplest piece of advice we...
Teen Drivers In Georgia: Something Old, Something New

Teen Drivers In Georgia: Something Old, Something New

Driving a car is an activity that has been around for a long time in Georgia, and for that matter the rest of the world. Well over a century ago, people owned and drove motor cars, although in the early days they were the province of the rich. In the very early days...